
DrEAMS Funding Consultancy

DrEAMS Funding Consultancy offers a wide range of research funding support services. With a track record of more than 20 years of providing research funding support in the life sciences and health domain, my broad experience covers Dutch, European and international funding schemes. As such, we can advise and support on many funding programmes, amongst others Horizon Europe including the Cancer mission, Innovative Health Initiative, COST, NWO, ZonMw, Nationale Wetenschapsagenda, Topsectoren, KWF and NIH. My niche is in the European Framework Programmes for research and innovation, in which I have been active since the start of FP6 in 2002.

I believe in a personalised approach. This means that I will first discuss with you in person the exact needs for your research funding support and together with you agree on our way of collaboration.

Co-design and co-creation of your proposal

Guidance on project plan design

Development of an Impact Pathway

Writing of impact and management

Proposal review and editing

Consortium management

Stakeholder analysis

Consortium building

Consortium guidance and instruction

Follow-up on required consortium actions

Relief of administrative and management burden

Guidance on call requirements

Budget preparation

Collection of administrative details

Completion of online proposal forms

Grant writing as part of research funding support

Post-submission support

Support rebuttal and interview preparation

Support grant agreement preparation

Temporary project management activities

Support in research strategy

Advise on developing a research strategy

Support in identifying relevant calls

Advise on research evaluation

Training (in-house or virtual)

Funding programmes and opportunities

Grant writing and Impact

Project management